I’m a creator of startups, games, art, writing and communities living in Berlin, Germany.
My key project is Baugarten, the world-building game for learning STEM formulas.
My other projects include Stoic Penknife, philosophy salons, and our creative Wohngemeinschaft. We discontinued our office project in Berlin.
You can read here about my past work experiences. I’ve harvested broccoli in Denmark, interned for the Taiwanese government, sailed as a tall-ship deckhand from Hawaii to California, interned at the White House, worked in sales in New York, studied ancient philosophy for a year alone in a cottage, managed a restaurant, sold my first startup, managed a Philippines tech team while living on their island, Leyte, and freelanced as a programmer for many of Berlin’s largest startups.
I’ve studied Mandarin Chinese at Middlebury College, business at Universität Würzburg and Liberal Arts -- majoring in English and minoring in Economics -- at Davidson College. I'm fluent in spoken and written German. I hold dual United States and EU (Italian) citizenship.
My heroes are Goethe, Churchill and DaVinci. All three men were artists of words, pictures, and their own lives.
My favorite programming language is Ruby. I enjoy gardening and dancing.
“Die stillsten Worte sind es, welche den Sturm bringen. Gedanken, die mit Taubenfüssen kommen, lenken die Welt.”